
What makes up our solar system?
Our solar system is made up of a sun and everything that orbits it, including eight planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, centaurs, trans-Neptunian objects, and dust.
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Describe the sun.
Traversing the galaxy in a gigantic orbit, the sun is an unusual, small, yellow star that energizes the entire solar system, including providing the perfect amount of energy for life on earth.

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What is unique about Earth?
Earth is the only planet circling our sun on which life as we know it could (and does) exist.
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What is the percentage of oxygen necessary for human life?
Earth's atmosphere must always contain 21% oxygen to maintain life.

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Is it possible that there are living things in space?
Yes, but probably only those that originated on Earth, such as bacteria and astronauts. The Bible seems to rule out any native intelligent life in outer space since they would be under the Curse with no possibility of salvation, and Christ--Who died once for all men--will only return to the inhabitable Earth.
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Is the Big Bang compatible with the Bible?
Not even remotely. . . . The Big Bang is the naturalistic explanation for how the universe came into existence over billions of years, whereas the Bible makes it clear that God specially created supernaturally over six days.

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Could the laws of physics have created the universe?
No. For that to be true, the universe would either have had no beginning, or the laws must exist apart from the universe. Either way, any unbeliever who assumes this to be true must rely on speculation (aka, faith) to justify his unobservable theories.
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